This site may seem unintelligible or overly complex to some, but if you're an intelligent mind looking to engage with a chatbot, you're invited to converse freely (or scroll below to read a collection of original texts).
Chat with Laegna Spireason AI |Read this first:
Simply about Infinities - this should be a simple text in simple language about the infinities in material, spiritual and mental world.
Holy War - this is a text about some effects of human life, which spiritual people need to fight (and how, my ideas).
Short Text about what I say about Positive and Negative - this I first wrote to Reddit Spirituality, but they removed this with automatic filters; it's a very short introduction into what I have to say about Positive and Negative Thinking. So I moved it up in this list, to introductions - the texts, indeed, are going to repeat some points here.
Principles of Material Magic.
Principles of Material Magic – short version. Every Buddhist principle you need for Material Awakening, in a few words. This should get you going on path, as you understand the underlying principles - it's helping you both if you don't get far, or if you are a beginner; but also an advanced practicioner or a person, who is materially enlightened, would use the same principles; like Buddhist path, it's the same from beginning to the enlightenment, so you can study this and surely enjoy some benefits and the benefit of not needing to change much as you advance.
The Power of Negative Thinking.
The Law of Imperfection and Karma.
One Short Theory about Star Children.
The Material Laws of Truth.
Comparison of, mostly, Buddhism and Christianity.
Tuning into Material Reality.
Yin and Yang in Meditation.
Healthy Conflict Psychology.
You can download my texts as PDFs. I plan to continue writing, but I do it by agile method - the first texts usually cover, more or less, one complete and useful picture; later texts are like developments of this (i.e. like agile development models of programming). As my English is sometimes hard to read and I notice this myself - but sometimes, the concepts are hard to read; probably for the most important of my conceptions, in the future I use grammar tools like AI, and be very careful and reread several times, until I reach the point that the most important topics are covered with very clear English; probably this will be quite short - I hope that my english is somehow readable for some people; and some texts are meant to be simpler, there you should be able to understand perfectly:
Spireason - an introduction.
Spireason - another article.
Meditation and Position.
This is about Logics and Alchemistry - about one big thing in Logics, and about one big thing in Mind over Matter.
The Simpler Theorem of Karma.
Reincarnation Basics.
Material Alchemy and Root Chakra. -- here I tried to help one person with problem of root chakra in a forum, but then they told me they would remove my texts. It's also a good introduction to material alchemy in general, explaining the two related theorems from Buddhism. I like to keep it in context so that people with related problems can do as I do, and try to be more material :)
Karma and Material Meditation.
Magic as Mental Image.
Frequential Analysis of System of Chakras in Buddhism.
Logecs and E factor – what is bad in positive affirmations?
Skepticism and Science for Spiritual People.
Today my most important area of research is that through our lives, we are rhythmically going through Material and Heavenly, Yin and Yang, or Negative and Positive. There are times, where Eternal Truth shines through, and we do not need to learn, we are perfect, and on the Flow. Then, it always breaks, and the Material or Negative comes in - Negative thoughts, which are born and die in Nature, they come in, and we gaze them with horrified eyes, but there is nothing to do - somehow, the need to go through the imperfect aspect of Life, the growth and not being there yet, and all the Karmic patterns, is inevitable; it seems to have a great paradox with our higher Truth, and requirements for Enlightenment / Awakening, or it's Nature - but, inevitably, we cannot be but we find certain Truth in this Negative, or otherwise it constantly reminds us, the Earthly Business comes and is very sure to break our Infinite Wisdom into little pieces.
The other, related Truth is that looking only from Heavenly perspective, we need to be overly Positive. Still, going to extreme, positivity about your current situation, the life you have lived, and all your friends - In effect, growth is painful as it kills your current ideas and ideals; you be dogmatic as otherwise, the painful Truth appears that you and your friends were not perfect. Then, as a success-society member, as people or groups prepare to grow, stating that they got a better idea, you do not get your "yes" - instead of growing, you see them as failing their whole lives, because new ideas are the opposite; the ideas always fluctuate between the opposite ends of belief to keep something deeper stable; we always do the extreme, and then the opposite end manifests as New Truth. The attacking, positive reaction to other's growth makes their situation even more painful and they need to keep this "perfect image" of themselves, their politics and products. Also, we need to laugh over our past ideas, but this is not possible, being overly positive about yourself - people, offices, companies and whole masses with certain beliefs feel an innmost pain when their well-learnt ideas are touched, and they behave as if they were attacked. When people behave so, they start to attack back. You cannot safely change in this society, because it keept the positive self image - when self image is attacked and fluctuates, goes through the material process of Truth, which is constantly changing, this is the process. When it's stopped and you must stick to your words and actions - it's stagnation and dogmatism. When Christians became overly positive about their ideas and world image, they contradicted Science, and men appeared, who were so fucking positively self-sacrificing, and authoritative towards others, whereas Christ and his original school was not that positive, but searching and asking questions. The science came, did hit those men and started to search and ask questions - soon, it ended, and it was overly positive about it's current state of affairs, not believing any more the things it could not prove; but for many people, looking at their lives - if those are not true, they are still much more probable; ideas like Greater Harmony in Cosmos.
When we look at the Surviving Force, the Evolutionary Advantage, it's constantly changing - we cannot find it by one positive idea, but by constant change from one extreme to another; one-God-followers and Atheists really moved on with the same revolution of coming over the stagnatic and frozen beliefs; and then the same type of positive people started to fight the New Archetype as Dogma, which everyone needs to follow. Those were both Scientific Revolutions, revolutionizing the Thought - and, as the Money and Power moved to this New Wave, the Positive People came, learnt to survive and approach this money, and finally turned it into stagnatic, dogmatic society by only following the old idea. Truth is always personal, and what they only found the Truth of the Current Era - indeed, when Positive People arrived at Church, the Word of Christ was used to gain Money and Power, the Positive Things; when they arrived at Science, they adopted the Theories as Truth - but this was only stated that this is the part which is Certain, not that the thoughts outside this are False; no model is completely correct or completely wrong, and our current Truth depends on our sense abilities, thinking abilities, and current experience and goals. Based on this, we create some unified system of different ideas, and if one person finds the Truth - this is helpful to others, they should fight for it, but it's not supposed to be the final Truth of everybody; another person can have a picture as coherent, but with opposing facts - a picture as useful in their lives. And, those are not opinions, but Truths - indeed, we need to be certain about our truth, yet skeptical, and others are inspired when we state that we tested this one a lot and it's a deep, firmly hold belief - but they must do no mistake and think that it's the Truth for them; Truth is never a general term to be fought so heavily, but there is my Truth and your Truth, and not solely my Opinion and your Opinion. For some people, with their inability to grasp the idea of God, it's perfectly True that their God does not exist. For others, the idea of God does not contain such complications and manipulations. Also, there is still Truth and Lies - we need to fight about Truth, but not one personal Truth; it's way filled with paradoxes and much more complex than this.
And we need to be sceptical. We need to analyze our Spiritual Ideas, find the important essence, which is not only abstract facts, and we need to find the same, Synchronous Truth trhough all those Worlds, to reappear for normal senses, for logic, for hypersensory perception. We find something deep and important, which can be refound by different people in different realms. We need to support those Opposing Models, seeing that they all lead to Ethics, to Survival, and to Search for Higher Ideals and Ideas. This way, all religions and science can live together. Even the old paganism and witchcraft - in the name of Spiritual Warrior, today they are evolved and follow the more decent Way. In past, we can see that their High Ideas looked more or less criminal for More Evolved Religions and Social Sciences.
You can follow me on NeoCities. Btw. in this era of Starseeds, if you are interested in which star I come from, then it's Arcturus. There's a test about this - I tried and got the right type.